I needed one – here’s one for you

I wanted to share with you an experience I had recently because I suspect you may be able to relate.

I was feeling a bit “out of sorts” - not sick, nothing really specific, but I had a vague sense that I was feeling a little stressed, like there just wasn’t enough time in the day, feeling a bit “stuck” in several areas of my life, like things weren’t flowing well, and a little tired. 

Nothing major. Pretty run-of-the-mill, in fact. Easy to rationalize or explain away - summer ending, the start of a new school year, getting used to a new routine, blah, blah, blah.

After all, my whole thing is the power and magic of pleasure for feeling better, so I knew what to do.

Or so I thought.

Then I saw a woman who I know, love dearly, and respect tremendously, on Facebook one day, quite by chance, and she was being really vulnerable about something she was going through.

And that’s when it hit me - all of a sudden my tears started flowing and I realized how much I had been holding in, how out of touch I had become with myself, and how out of alignment I felt even though in many ways I had “everything”. 

Can you relate? 

Long story short, I contacted my friend and she invited me to a retreat for women she was hosting in Isla Mujeres, a gorgeous island off the coast of Cancun, Mexico.  

It started in one week. 

Part of me REALLY wanted to go - I knew that this was exactly what I needed, what my soul needed. 

Part of me scoffed, “What are you thinking???  That’s RIDICULOUS!!!  It’s so irresponsible of you to just jet off to Mexico to prance around on the beach with a bunch of other women. What about the girls? What about work? How can you think of yourself when there are so many people suffering all over the world, so many people far worse off than you? It’s not convenient, it’s too expensive, it’s not the right time, it’s too much, and you don’t really need it. No, actually you don’t deserve it. Maybe next time, later, when it makes more sense.” 

But I simply couldn’t ignore the call from that part deep inside myself that knew I needed this.

I’ve done enough work on myself to know not to ignore that inner voice, even when on paper it makes absolutely no sense. 

So I took it one step at a time and piece by piece it all fell into place - my parents were able to watch the girls because my husband would be traveling for work at the same time, I was able to get an easy flight with miles, and my patients were graciously willing to reschedule.

Sure, there were pieces that didn’t quite fall into place - let’s just say that not everyone in my family was 100% on board with me going. 

And part of me felt guilty for even entertaining the possibility.

But I knew I needed to. 

One week later there I was at this amazing retreat, nourishing my body, mind, heart, and soul with exactly what I needed. 

A reminder. 

A reminder that connecting with myself and my truth, expressing myself without apology, and taking the time I need to nourish my heart and soul is an absolute non-negotiable. 

It’s not a selfish afterthought that can be easily cast aside or forgotten when something “more important” comes up. 

And that pleasure is a really big part of this - a way into that self-connection.

But I had gotten into the habit of doing pleasure from the place of “one more thing to check off the to-do list” - sure, I was engaging in pleasurable activities and experiences, but I wasn’t allowing myself to be fully engaged, fully swept away, fully expressed. 

I was half-assing pleasure.  

And that just doesn’t work. 

Pleasure is powerful and magical - when it comes to health, pleasure is like a healing elixir that brings you back to your body, back to the present moment, and it nourishes your body, mind, heart, and soul. 

This is Whole Woman Medicine. 

It allows you to really live your life fully - to experience the laughter, the fun, the turn-on, the excitement, the adventure - to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch, to dance, to make love, to swim, to sing, to create, to explore, enjoy, and experience all that this amazing gift we call life offers us. 

And when we cut ourselves off from pleasure, or we half-ass it, our body will let us know - we may feel a bit tired, a bit “off”, stressed, like there’s not enough time in the day, a vague sense of dissatisfaction for no apparent reason, isolated or alone. 

Or, if we’ve been ignoring that inner voice for long enough, we may be dealing with a full-out health challenge or diagnosis. 

It’s always a call to come back home, back to your heart, back to yourself. 

And I needed that reminder. 

My guess is that you may need one too. 

And that’s okay. 

Does it mean you have to jet off to Mexico or another tropical paradise? 


But it does mean you have to be honest about where you really are and what you really need. 

No more rationalizing or explaining away. 

No more putting it off for the “right” time.  

At least not for me. 

And I am here not only to remind you, but to invite you and, more importantly, to support you as you travel your path back to pleasure, back to health, and back to yourself, as I travel mine. 

This isn’t just for you. 

Yes, it’s for you, of course. But it’s also for your spouse, your partner, your lover, your kids, your mother, your father, your sisters, your brothers, your friends, your colleagues, it’s for every person you interact with on any level. 

It’s for the world.

Because the best gift you can give anyone, the best thing you can do to make a positive impact, is to be fully, truly, and unapologetically you. The biggest, best, truest version of yourself. 

And when you do this, vibrant health is the result. 

One key I’ve learned along the way is that we aren’t meant to travel this path alone. 

I will continue to ask for and receive the support I require and desire, and I encourage you to do the same. 

So if this calls to you, if you’re feeling like it’s time for you to answer the call of your own inner voice, to get back to yourself and your most vibrant health, I invite you to listen to your inner voice. 

Stop putting yourself, your health, and your life on hold. 

It’s time- it’s your time. 

If you’re curious about what support I offer in my work with women and Whole Woman Medicine, I invite you to schedule a free call with me where we can explore what is possible for you and your health. 

You can schedule a free call here.    https://kendallritzmd.coachesconsole.com/calendar  

And I will continue to connect with you, to remind, invite, and support you to answer your body’s call - it’s time to really start listening.  

Here’s to your most vibrant health and life! 

To Your Best Health,
Dr. Kendall Ritz